About Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a very popular cosmetic procedure where implants, saline or silicone gel, are placed under either the breast tissue or muscles of the chest wall. By inserting an implant behind the breast, you can increase a woman’s bra size by one or more cup sizes. There are several reasons why a woman may choose this surgery:
-To enhance and optimize proportionate body contour.
-To balance the difference of volume in breast sizes.
-To replace volume loss associated with aging, giving birth, or following weight loss Breast implants can be placed through several different incision sites. Areola Incision: a small semi-circular incision typically from 3-6 o’clock position.
Inframammary Incision: This incision is approximately 4cm, which is made in the lower breast fold/crease. Axillary Incision: This incision is approximately 4cm, and is made in the crease of the armpit. At your consultation appointment Dr. Attaran will discuss your different implant options such as saline vs gel, smooth vs textured, and round vs shaped. Together you can choose the best size and option for your body type.