Fat Transfer

About Fat Transfer

Fat transfers can provide natural-looking, beautiful results using the patient’s own fat. This technique involves removing fat from one part of the body, such as the thigh area, and injecting it in the same individual in another part of their body. The advantage of using one’s own fat is that it is safe and non-allergenic. Facial fat transfers are designed to contour and fill in furrows, wrinkles or depressions. Fat transfers can enhance areas such as the lips, laugh lines, cheeks, nasolabial folds (vertical lines extending down the side of the nose) and marionette lines (lines at the corners of the mouth, that extend down vertically.) Another popular spot for fat grafting is the buttocks where it can produce a fuller and more youthful appearance. Most patients do need to come in for an additional treatment from time-to-time, but much of the fat that is transplanted will be permanent.

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